COUNSELING: Ministering to those with Suicidal Thinking
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255 By Wendy Cibula Do not harm yourself, for we are all here. – Acts 16:29 I was surprised to read that Christian Superstar and American …
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255 By Wendy Cibula Do not harm yourself, for we are all here. – Acts 16:29 I was surprised to read that Christian Superstar and American …
By Don Shar, NCC Are you or is someone you know in a non-custodial parenting situation? Because of divorce and other social issues, about half of children now reside in …
Understanding the Process of Counseling: the Beginning, Middle and End. By Kim Rose Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you had a magic wand what would you change?” Sometimes …
Here are some suggestions for raising happy kids. How many are you currently implementing or could you start to practice this week? 1) Start with bedtime: Children require at least …
By Don Shar, NCC Co-parenting conflict is a frequent problem presented in counseling during or after the process of divorce: who sees the children and when, what goes on during their …
B y Carrie Buckner Often when we hear the term “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” we conjure up images of our current armed forces or war veterans from the Vietnam era. …
Valentine’s Day is around the corner and romance (or the search for it) is in the air for many. Take this quiz to discover how relationship-savvy you really are! Questions: …
By Rev. Dr. Ron Barnes In counseling we deal with sorrow more often the joy. However, the goal is to enable clients to experience inner joy even amidst their sorrow. …
Parent Question: “When is enough, enough in terms of having kids and teens in multiple sports and activities? When should I say “no?” I don’t want my children to miss …
By Cassy Wimmer, Community Education Director & Staff Therapist Getting kids to talk about their day is difficult! Give a second-grader a buddy in the back seat of the car, …