Inspiring Generosity

Living generously helps others while benefiting your own mental and spiritual health. Anchorpoint’s “Inspiring Generosity” series tells stories of people like you. May these examples inspire you to live generously!

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

Generosity brings joy and light to the world, says Joyce Gongaware. “I’m trying to be the light!”

Photo of Brian and Joyce showing their generosity by supporting Anchorpoint and helping at the Annual Golf Classic

As a child, Joyce learned the value of generosity and that life is bigger than oneself. Her mom and dad routinely brought people in and hosted them in their family home. “Dad took care of people,” Joyce remembers. He lived by the mantras “what’s mine is yours” and “to whom much is given, much is required.”

You don’t need tangible possessions to be generous, Joyce proclaims. She points to her grandparents who weren’t “wealthy” in the traditional sense. But they were very giving in their knowledge—an inspiration for Joyce’s teaching career. Joyce fondly recalls learning the 23rd Psalm of the Bible from her grandparents.

Joyce’s husband, Brian, also learned about generosity from his parents and grandparents. His grandfather was a police officer who served the community. And his dad lived out a calling to meet the needs of the poor—needs of all kinds. From his parents, Brian learned the importance of tithing (i.e., giving a portion) and doing so with humility.

As a financial planner, Brian acknowledges that the world is currently fixed on a deficit mindset. There always seems to be a “lack of” or “not enough” to go around, he says.

In contrast, Brian contends that generosity is rooted in an abundance mindset. It’s the recognition that we already have what we need and then some to share. 

Brian was recently on the golf course with a new friend who simply said, “When you get much, you give much.”

Brian and Joyce are pillars of Anchorpoint’s mission and other causes. They pour generously into others from what they have. For example, Joyce gave her teaching talents to Anchorpoint’s tutoring program. Brian served as a Board President of the organization. He’s also a member of Anchorpoint’s Finance Committee and Golf Committee.

“We’re not the originator of the time, talent, and blessings we receive,” Brian notes. “I believe it is our responsibility to take the seeds [we have been given] and multiply [to others].” 

Joyce agrees that “we love, because God loved us. We should be generous, because God was generous.”

Check out our blog to read more stories of generosity in our community!


To join the conversation and share your story, contact Mark Heinbockel at 412-366-1300 ext. 103 or [email protected].