Support & Educational Groups
Our groups reach a variety of ages and issues experienced. Some groups are for those struggling with mental health difficulties. Other groups are workshops for the average individual with an interest in a particular area.
Please call Anchorpoint at 412-366-1300 for more information.
Benefits of joining a group:
- A sense of hope and that you’re not alone
- The chance to learn from experts and group members
- An opportunity to connect with and learn from others
- A place to meet people with like issues or interests
Current Groups
Current Groups: Some of these groups are free due to generous individuals and grants, for others a donation is appreciated and, in some cases, your health insurance will cover you. Please let us know if you have any financial hardships. Do not let a lack of financial resources keep you from registering! For more information and to register for any of these groups, call Anchorpoint at 412-366-1300.
Relationship Workshops: Learn how to set boundaries and gain tools and strategies to enjoy healthy relationships that thrive. Call us 412-366-1300 for more information on hosting one of these dynamic relationship workshops at your location.